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Essentials of IFS Online Training Program


Providing a practical understanding of the IFS modality

Have you ever said, “I wish I didn’t…” or “I wish I could stop...”? Does this mean that there is more than one “I” inside of you? In a way, yes. Despite sincere intentions, different parts of our psyche can sometimes take on extreme roles or behave in ways that are out of touch with our own best interests.


How does Internal Family Systems help?

IFS is an approach to psychotherapy that identifies and harmonizes sub-personalities that are in discord within the psyche. Through healing these discordant parts of our psyche, IFS restores balance among the sub-personalities and the Self. Developed by Richard Schwartz, Ph.D. in the ’90s, IFS is a dynamic, effective way to allow Self-energy to bring balance and healing to our internal system. IFS guides us towards the foundation of being that has been with us from the first breath... The core of our true Self.

IFS is more than a therapeutic technique. It is a conceptual framework and practice for developing love for ourselves and each other.
— Richard Schwartz, PhD

Course Details

  • This course will be conducted via Zoom.

  • Eight training sessions and nine practice sessions from September 10 to January 28.

  • One personal IFS session, which will enable you to experience the system firsthand before putting it into practice.

  • 30.5 Continuing Education hours (see below).

  • In order to create an intimate learning environment and provide more personal attention to each student, enrollment in this course will be limited to 15 students.

  • The course is directed towards therapists, coaches, counselors, medical professionals, and others who work with (or will soon be working with) clients to explore their inner worlds.

The Schedule

We will meet every Friday morning except for Easter and Memorial weekends.
The modules will run from 10:00 am until 12:45 pm Eastern time with a 15-minute break.
The practice sessions will last 75 minutes, with some beginning at 9:45 am and some at 11:30 am.

  1. February 11, 2022: Module 1

  2. February 18, 2022: Module 2

  3. February 25, 2022: Module 3

  4. March 4, 2022: Module 4

  5. March 11, 2022: Module 5

  6. March 18, 2022: Practice 1A

  7. March 25, 2022, 2021: Practice 1B

  8. April 1, 2022: Practice 1C

  9. April 8, 2022: Module 6

  10. April 22, 2022: Practice 2A

  11. April 29, 2022: Practice 2B

  12. May 6, 2022: Practice 2C

  13. May 13, 2022: Module 7

  14. May 20, 2022: Practice 3A

  15. June 3, 2022: Practice 3B

  16. June 10, 2022: Practice 3C

  17. June 17, 2022: Module 8


$1450 if received before January 28.
$1600 after.
Payment plans available.

In order to master this protocol, additional supervised practice is highly recommended.

Nine practice sessions are included in your tuition. You are welcome to schedule additional sessions for $120 per hour in triads ($40 per participant) or dyads ($60 per participant).

IMPORTANT: This training gives you the foundation of IFS theory and opportunities for supervised practice. However, If you would like to refer to yourself as “certified”, you will need to complete a Level One Training sponsored by The Center for Self Leadership and meet other criteria. Information on these in-depth training opportunities can be found here.

Continuing Education Credit

The state of North Carolina allows social workers to take credit for courses that have not been pre-approved. According to the Board's website, " live/synchronous audio-video broadcasts allowing for real-time interaction between the instructor and participants attending through electronic means shall not be considered a distance learning activity."  Therefore, this online course would be treated as if it took place in person.  We will provide a certificate of completion for up to 30.5 hours, depending on attendance.  We have also been approved by CRCC, an NC-approved provider, for 30.5 hours for LCMHCs.  Participants from other states would need to check with your Board to see about credit.

Comments from Prior Participants (online and in person)

“This training is an excellent introduction to IFS. I walked away with a solid foundation of the model to integrate into my practice. Ted and Harry were very knowledgeable about the model, and gifted group facilitators. The training space was beautiful and comfortable. If they offered another level, I'd sign up in a heartbeat. Very worthwhile.”

“I highly recommend the Essentials of IFS training with Ted and Harry. This training was extremely beneficial for my professional and personal development. IFS is a highly effective and accessible intervention that has provided me with the most accurate description of the human psyche -- which not only helps me understand my clients but helps them understand themselves. Ted and Harry’s training provided a wonderful foundation for me to learn this incredible model of healing. I highly recommend this training as it will greatly benefit, if not transform, your clinical work!”

“This training had a profound impact on me personally and professionally. Ted and Harry are both brilliant teachers of IFS who full-heartedly embody the model in their lives and in all interactions throughout the training. I recommend this to any therapist who is interested in transformative and experiential modalities.”

“This has been a wonderful opportunity to learn the IFS model... The quality of the training, the knowledge and compassion of the trainers, and the opportunities to get to know each other and practice using the model were excellent.”

This offering is such a wonderful opportunity to deepen and acknowledge our own Selves as as well as an opportunity to show up and support others with deep love, connection, and curiosity.

By the end of the training I felt fully comfortable integrating IFS into my work with clients and I now have access to amazing resources for furthering my understanding. I knew a weekend workshop wasn't going to be enough, and a full year course was too much for me to commit to. This was the perfect length.

This training is one of the best! It is designed to offer a great balance of didactic and experiential learning while creating an opportunity for participants to become a part of a safe, supportive community group.

This class will surprise you. You learn about IFS and you get to experience IFS as well.

If you're looking to to learn more about IFS, take this course! Ted and Harry are sound teachers, both bringing good breadth of experience and a beautiful personal touch to the experience.

This training helped me to understand the fundamentals of IFS from the inside out! Through teachings and practicums, being both the client and the therapist, I learned enough to comfortably integrate IFS into my work with clients. It has helped me to slow down and have breakthroughs with folks during times when we may otherwise have felt stuck. My work is deeper. Even better, my relationship to my Self is more clear, bringing more calm and less self-judgment to how I view myself.

My experience with Ted, Harry, and other participants in the group was warm, rewarding, and inspirational. It was satisfying and I want more. I am encouraged to trust myself and my clients as we journey together on a healing path guided by IFS along with other skills and practice wisdom. I am grateful.

Ted and Harry are awesome! They do a great job creating a safe place for clinicians new to IFS to learn and explore how they can understand IFS in a way that fits them. The class offers a perfect balance of didactic learning and interpersonal practice opportunities.

“The IFS training ... was an amazing experience! I love the model and I now incorporate this work in my practice every day. The training provided a perfect balance between didactic learning, group sharing and practice experience. The trainers created a safe and open space for all and the venue is magical. So happy that I had the opportunity to be a part of this experience.”

“I would highly recommend this training as an introduction to IFS! The spacing and pacing of the training allowed for more easeful integration of the model, chance to practice approach with clients in between modules, and then come back together to go over questions that arose. It is obvious that both Ted and Harry have a wide breadth of experience working within the IFS model. They were knowledgeable and also extremely heart based with their teaching styles. The authenticity and presence they provided led to this being a stellar training all around.”

“[They] do an incredible job of creating a safe learning environment. The Essentials of IFS is a truly transformational course for those who want to begin to integrate parts work into their practice.”

“The amount of support and practice I received in this training was phenomenal!”

“This training provided me an excellent foundation in IFS and changed my perspective on my work with clients. The model, as conveyed by the trainers, is incredibly kind and supportive of growth.”

“I found this work accepting of all human emotion and experience. Giving voice to all aspects of a person is a tremendous way to heal wounded parts. It is an empowering way to work with clients that have a desire to heal but have been stuck and don't even know why. This training gave all the fundamentals and practice in the IFS model. It was warm, friendly and full of SELF energy each and every step of the way. I highly recommend it! ”

“This IFS training has been a life changing experience for me as a professional hypnotherapist and as a person who is still clearing old emotions and beliefs from my own system. Parts work is one of my favorite modalities to use with clients and IFS is like parts on steroids. You will be able to help your client (and yourself) identify, develop, and strengthen their own innate healer (SELF) who ultimately orchestrates resolution/healing between inner parts who have outgrown their roles as protector, firefighter, and/or exile.”

“This was a wonderful introduction to the principles of IFS. Ted and Harry bring great wisdom and heart to this work. The combination of teaching, practice time, and personal connection (through sharing) allowed for our class to learn the foundations of IFS and develop a genuinely caring community in our small class. ”



Ted Riskin, LCSW is a psychotherapist specializing in relationship issues and cognitive therapy. He has certifications in Internal Family Systems, Holotropic Breathwork, Core Energetics, hypnotherapy, Breath Therapy, and EMDR. He has practiced meditation for the past 43 years and has been active in the human development movement for the past 38.


Harry Schneider, GPCC is a life-long meditator, practicing daily for over forty years. He has also been an instructor of meditation and has toured and lectured on the subject. He has a GPCC certification from the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland and is a certified practitioner of Internal Family Systems Therapy.

Get more of a feel for IFS

A recent article describes some of the history, theory, and application of IFS.  You can read it here.



Ted Riskin

August 29

Stay Home and Journey with Your Parts