Essentials of Internal Family Systems Registration

Get a Practical Understanding of the IFS Modality

Tuition: $1500

Payment plans are available.

How to Register, Pay, and Hold Your Space

Enrollment in this course is limited to 15 participants. To hold your space, fill out the form below and then pay by:

  • Venmo to Ted-Riskin

  • Zelle to or

  • If you'd like to pay with a check or PayPal, send an email to and we'll get right back to you.

* Indicates a required field

Refund Policy

If you withdraw before August 20 (MAYBE HERE WE SAY ‘SO MANY DAYS BEFORE’, so the policy is standard across all events?), all fees are refundable less a $25 processing charge.  If you withdraw between August 21 and September 3 (again, all fees are refundable less a $100 processing charge.  If you withdraw after September 3, fees paid are non-refundable unless we can fill your spot, in which case a $100 processing charge will be applied.