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Group Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) Cohort 2

Sarah Levine and I, with medical direction from Dr. Josh Short of Asheville Integrative Psychiatry, are interviewing prospective participants for a closed group that will experience Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) incorporating the Holotropic Breathwork model. By offering the opportunity for participants to hold space for each other, we can drastically lower the financial barrier to receiving this exciting new treatment, while also allowing folks to connect with their own healing potential.

Participants will receive 56 contact hours, including four ketamine experiences, online integration groups, and modalities such as movement, nature connection, art, Brainspotting, etc. We are looking to find the most benefit from the neuroplasticity created by the medicine. The whole process will be guided by the Internal Family Systems perspective, which aligns brilliantly with the nonordinary state work and allows compassion for parts that fear the journey. And, we have a Bioregional Chef!

The first orientation session is March 19. See more at

February 27

Stay Home and Journey Longer

April 10

Stay Home and Journey in the Morning